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Governing Structures of EU-CONEXUS

The Governing Board

For the 3 initial years of the project phase, the coordinating partner (LRUniv) will chair the Governing Board. It will later include the presidents or vicepresidents of the participating institutions and be chaired by one of the presidents of the partner institutions, who will change every two years.

A joint Management Board

Consisting of an Executive Director at LRUniv validated by the Governing Board at LRUniv and the WP leaders, the Joint Management Board will be responsible for the daily management of the current academic and administrative activities.

A joint Academic Council and its Programme Committees for the academic development of EU-CONEXUS

Consisting of an Executive Director at LRUniv validated by the Governing Board at LRUniv and the WP leaders, the Joint Management Board will be responsible for the daily management of the current academic and administrative activities.

A Financial and Administrative Council

Will give advice and support on financial and administrative issues. It will consist of three administrative staff members nominated by the partner institutions.

Scientific Council

Scientific Council is in charge of the development of the Joint Research Area coordination ofresearch of the European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustaianbility.

An External Advisory Board

Will ensure evaluations and quality control of strategies and activities. The Governing Board will nominate its members that should at least consist of one representative from each partner institution’s regional environment.

Joint Service Structures of EU-CONEXUS

EU‐CONEXUS joint service structures with relevant staff members from partner institutions include:

joint-service structure image

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