Contact Point for Technology Transfer and Innovation (CONTI)
CONTI, the Contact Point for Technology Transfer and Innovation, will be an active support system for researchers and students of the partner universities of the Alliance. Besides increasing the knowledge and technology transfer (KTT) within the institutions, the main goal is to create and intensify the KTT towards the public and the private sector, especially to support start-ups and SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises).
The overarching goal is to create and establish CONTI as the “go-to hub” to get informed about new technologies and innovation in the field of Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability, to find potential new collaborators, build partnerships and extend ideas beyond borders.

- Actively support knowledge and technology transfer (KTT)
- Bundle suitable KTT measure and ideas
- Offer innovation opportunities for the whole Alliance
- Stimulate cooperation between the partner universities
- Foster entrepreneurship

- Identify knowledge and technology transfer structures
- Bundle existing KKT office services and support exchange amongst KKT offices
- Offer workshops and coaching for students, researchers, academic and non-academic staff
- Open possibilities for start-ups to extend their ideas within the EU-CONEXUS Alliance
- Bundle innovation and knowledge transfer strategies to create a blueprint for universities lacking overall strategies
- Promote exchange through e.g., job shadowing
- For students groups in the field of entrepreneurship
- For academic and non-academic staff in the field of research, administration and implementation
- Hold an annual Innovation Contest

- Launch of the 2025 Innovation Contest
- Alongside the Innovation Contest: promote workshops in the various fields of entrepreneurship and innovation for participants of the contest as well as students and staff from the Alliance
- Workshops (free of charge) are expected to take place in June/July and October and will be announced online
- Connect university staff with their counterparts at partner universities for job-shadowing opportunities (e.g., under the framework of Erasmus staff mobilities)
- Foster exchange of student groups in the field of entrepreneurship education
- Prospective visit of a student group from the Catholic University of Valencia (UCV) to the University of Rostock during summer 2025
- Implement short online session to exchange knowledge and ideas on specific topics
- First session planned during the first quarter of 2025 “How to efficiently use patents for knowledge and technology transfer and innovation!”

This activity is organised under the EU-funded Project EU-CONEXUS Plus (Project number 101089709) titled : “A significant step forward for the European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability” .
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.