Research and development (R&D)
includes activities that companies undertake to innovate and introduce new products and services. The goal is typically to take new products and services to market and add to the company’s bottom line.
EU-CONEXUS partners have all the necessary infrastructure and a team of talented researchers for close university-industry cooperation.
La Rochelle Université
LaSIE Laboratoire des sciences de l’ingénieur pour l’environnement (Laboratory for engineering for the environment)
LaSIE is interested in the sustainability and protection of materials subject to the constraints of the environment. The Laboratory also works to improve the comfort and quality of indoor air in inhabited spaces. Its research also concerns the study of manufacturing processes and the energy recovery of resources of biological origin. (62 researchers, 60 Ph.D.s, 18 engineers/technicians, 15 staff members)
LIENSs Littoral Environment et Sociétés (Coastal area, environment and societies)
It integrates the skills of many disciplines that range from environmental sciences to human sciences through chemistry and biotechnology. Its research focuses in particular on the evolution of the coastal zone facing human, environmental and climatic impacts. (108 researchers, 39 Ph.D.s, 27 engineers/postdocs/technicians, 54 staff members)
Observatoire PELAGIS (Observatory PELAGIS)
PELAGIS conducts observation and expertise programs on the conservation of mammalian and seabird populations. In addition, it manages the databases associated with these various research programs. The link of the Observatory with the Chizé Center for Biological Studies (CEBC) facilitates the use of monitoring data on the mammal and seabird populations collected by these two units. (3 researchers, 4 engineers-postdocs-technicians, 22 staff members)
CEBC Centre d’Etudes biologique de Chizé (Biological Research Centre)
The CEBC works on the knowledge of the ecology of wild animals confronted with the disturbances of their natural environment. Its research focuses on the evolution of local populations of mammals, reptiles and birds as well as that of marine predators of the French Southern and Antarctic Territories (TAAF). (24 researchers, 17 Ph.D.s, 16 engineers-postdocs-technicians, 21 staff member)
Mathematics Image and Application (MIA)
laboratory, processing and analysis of images, video and data and modeling the environment on a human scale closely combine multi‐disciplinary skills. (15 researchers, 10 Ph.D.s, 3 staff members)
CRHIA Centre de Recherches en Histoire internationale et atlantique (Centre for international and atlantic historical studies).
Considered as a national and international reference on Atlantic history and the history of exchanges and international relations, the CRHIA conducts research at the interface between the maritime area and the continental French, European and global space. (20 researchers, 15 Ph.D.s, 1 engineer-postdoc-technician)
L3i Laboratoire Informatique, Images et Interaction (Laboratory for computer sciences, images, and interaction).
Focusing on the issue of interactive and intelligent management of digital content, the work of its members focuses on the national and European socio‐economic issues related to this very promising field of research. (33 researchers, 35 Ph.D.s, 4 engineers/postdocs/technicians, 25 staff member)
Asian Dynamics, Interactions, Interculturalism (D2iA)
D2iA is a research unit that aims to bring together researchers and create a regional research and expertise centre on Asia-Pacific. To achieve this, the objective is to develop research projects that emphasise transversality and comparatism: to offer our researchers better integration into international networks, to work on the transfer of knowledge to the economic, institutional and cultural fabric of Nouvelle Aquitaine Région, and to create research partnerships with economic, cultural and local actors (8 researchers, 1PhD)
Digital Uses for Sustainable Development (NUDD)
NUDD brings together research on digital technologies, uses, practices and business models. NUDD aims to observe, understand and analyse all the economic, social and organisational transformations brought about by digital technology.
Interdisciplinary Laboratory on Territory History Organisation Regulation and Law (LITHORAL)
LITHORAL’s scientific work focuses on themes where the expertise of lawyers (publicists, privatists and legal historians) and managers intersect.

Agricultural University of Athens
Laboratory of Applied Hydrobiology
The Laboratory of Applied Hydrobiology aims to adequately educate undergraduate students and postgraduate young scientists in the field of Aquaculture (fish, molluscs and crustaceans farming, phytoplankton and zooplankton culture), as well as to perform related basic and applied research in order to combine, in the most effective and rational way, production, protection of aquatic environment and welfare of farmed species. Its Infrastructure consists of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (sea and fresh water) with a total of more than 200 tanks of various sizes and equipment and facilities.
Applied Biotechnology and Cell Technology Unit (ABCTU)
The ABCTU is an internal partnership between the laboratories of the Department of Biotechnology and the Center for Applications of Cell Biological Technologies (KEKYTE), established within AUA in order to promote both basic and applied research.
Molecular Biology Laboratory (MBL)
MBL has extensive experience in gene cloning, transcriptomic analysis, metabolite analysis, genetic transformation of plants and microorganisms, expression and characterization of recombinant proteins.
Laboratory of Cell Technology (LCT)
LCT has a long track record in toxicology research in vitro, in particular the assessment of toxicity of pesticides and mycotoxins, as well as research oriented towards the identification of natural bioactive compounds with pharmacological potential, in particular dopamine agonists/antagonists and anticancer drugs.
Center for Applications of Cell Biological Technologies (KEKYTE)
LCT’s activities relate to the design of methods and products and the provision of know‐how and Research & Innovation services in a wide range of thematic areas, including: Evaluation of the activity of pharmaceutical agents, natural compounds and other samples with bioactive properties in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo; Evaluation of material biocompatibility in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo; Quality assessment of cosmetics; Development and application of diagnostic methods, techniques and tools; Creation and maintenance of cell culture depositories; Cell biology and biotechnology .
Catholic University of Valencia
Marine station with 2 laboratories and a 80 m2 wet-lab contiguous to the fishing port
To develop manipulative experiments on marine organisms, the marine station in Calpe (Alicante) of the lMEDMAR‐UCV has a water close circuit system. The system is provided with a computer profilux 3.1T (eX) and sets of oxygen, pH, conductivity and temperature proves as well as filters, coolers, and heaters for experiment and control units.
An oceanographic boat and an inflatable boat
Development and scientific and technological innovation of Biotechnology and Biomedicine.
The San Alberto Magno Translational Research Center (CITSAM) aspires to stimulate research in the area of Health at the UCV. Among the infrastructures available, CITSAM has research laboratories at the San Carlos Borromeo and Santa Úrsula headquarters, as well as at the Valencian Institute of Pathology (IVP).
6 fully equipped laboratories in Santa Úrsula with a variety of sampling instrumentation and material to handle from invertebrates to microbiological samples, and molecular biology, as well as specific technical facilities for Biotechnology such as bioreactors, photobioreactors, thermal cyclers, chromatographs, cell line cultivation and specialized microscopes.
Among the IVP facilities we have an independent area free of formalin, and with delimited areas for human and veterinary diagnostic tests. There is a space dedicated to Molecular Biology for both PCR and FISH. The IVP also has a space to diagnose the determination of HPV in cytology.
Research group CITSAM for Biomaterials and Bioengineering
Virtual Hospital and two approved clinical centers in which patients are treated, the High Performance Center and the UCV University Clinics
Sport Labs
Motor control and biomechanics laboratory (98.86m2) and sports training evaluation laboratory (99.10m2)
Veterinary Hospital
Several services for researcher at the research institutes from humanities, philosophy, social sciences, etc.
Institute of Medieval and Renaissance Studies “Isabel de Villena”
Institute of Philosophy Edith Stein;
Institute of Socio‐Educational Research “Francisco Ferrer Luján”
Institute of Research “San José de Calasanz”;
Institute of International and Strategic Studies
Institute of Families and Human Development Research
Institute of Life Sciences
The Anthropology Research Institute
Institute of European Studies;
Ethics of the Economic Behaviours Institute;
Institute of Muscle‐Skeletal Diseases Research;
Institute of Research “Doctor Viña Giner”;
Institute of Research in Social Sciences;
Institute of Human Rights Research “Benedicto XVI”.
University Institute of Educational Theory
University Institute for Research and Attention to Disability CAPACITAS-AMICA of the UCV
Klaipeda University
Marine Research Institute of Klaipeda University
Is conducting fundamental and applied research on marine and costal environment and maritime technologies. The Institute aims to facilitate science, study, and business cooperation, based on high-level scientific knowledge and the up-to-date open access research infrastructure.
Modern equipment available for observational and experimental research, relevant to the proposed project, is available at four labs:
- Coastal Environment and Biogeochemistry Laboratory
- Fishery and Aquaculture Laboratory
- Waterborne Transport and Air Pollution Laboratory
- Mechanical and Marine Engineering Laboratory
The KU Waterborne Transport and Air Pollution Laboratory
Covers research on waterborne transport efficiency and ecological parameters, analysis of complete spectre of fuels, engine and hull design and environmental performance.
University of Zadar
Laboratories grouped in the Centre for Interdisciplinary Marine and Maritime Research (CIMMAR).
CIMMAR has a generic chemical lab with all the belonging equipment, HPLC and GC. The specific activities for marine research and marine ecology include: Shallow benthic research; Biological and ecological research.
Geospatial analysis laboratory (GAL)
Its basic aim is to implement scientific research, educate junior scientists, and apply new, modern knowledge and technology in developing new research methods. Performing and advancing scientific research within GAL is based on the application of geospatial analyses from the GIS and RS domains.
UNIZD research centers
Center for educational sciences: equipped with all modern tools for frontal and distance teaching. The center is also involved in the improvement of the teaching methods of UNIZD academic staff, of Ph.D. mentorship and in the development and implementation of lifelong learning courses and vocational trainings with industrial partners
Center for onomastic: particularly interested in research of traditional names of aquatic and coastal flora and fauna in different languages and dialects
Center for research of karst and coastal areas: multidisciplinary research in social, natural, geographic aspects of coastal areas.
Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest
AQUA Center
Manages the activities of the team dedicated to conducting scientific activities on the following research directions: Hydraulic engineering and construction; Safety and risk associated with hydrotechnical constructions; Technology Processes in Water Treatment and Sewage Treatment; Natural risks; Water management and environmental protection; Renewable energies; Geographic Information Systems in the Field of Water Management and Hydrotechnical Facilities; Research and Development Laboratory in the field of Applied Automation Systems and Applied Informatics
Seismic Risk Assessment Research Center
Seismic response and fragility/vulnerability of structures; Seismic monitoring and seismic hazard analysis; Seismic response of the ground; Analysis of seismic risk and resilience; Assessing building safety at natural hazard (earthquake, wind, snow).
Ground Water Engineering Research Center
The main applications are the assessment of underground water resources, groundwater studies in urban environments, interaction between groundwater and infrastructures, aquifer management, vulnerability assessment, soil pollution control and remedy of contaminated areas, underground waste storage, studies of the unsaturated zone, GIS and spatial analysis in hydrogeology.
Space Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and GIS
Applying GNSS systems in studies of crustal movements (geodynamics); Potential use of spatial technologies in geodesy (GNSS, SLR / LLR, VLBI); Implementation of GNSS and complementary systems in Romania (EUPOS, ROMPOS, EGNOS, GALILEO); Applications of spatial geodesy in photogrammetry and other fields (geodesic astronomy, topography, cadastre, navigation, GIS, construction); Applications of photogrammetric, remote sensing and GIS imaging in cadastre; Monitoring of geomorphologic and climatic changes, pollution expansion in three environments; Developing risk maps for natural or man‐made disasters.