Quick links
La Rochelle Université
- Chize Centre for Biological Studies (CEBC)
- Management Research Centre (CEREGE)
- Research Centre for Atlantic and International History (CRHIA)
- International Study Centre Romanity (CEIR)
- Legal and Political Studies Centre (CEJEP)
- Laboratory of Informatics Image Interaction (L3I)
- Laboratory of Engineering Sciences for the Environment (LaSiE)
- Littoral, Environment and Societies (LIENSs)
- Mathematics Image and Application
- PELAGIS Observatory
Laboratories in a partnership with Private Institutions:
- 4evLab
- Building Innovation-Lab: Technologies and Methodologies to improve building global performance
- SAIL: Sequential Art Image Laboratory
- IDEAS: Laboratory for Engineering, Analysis and Documentary Security
International laboratories
- ICT Lab

Agricultural University of Athens
Laboratory of Applied Hydrobiology
Research in production, protection of aquatic environment and welfare of farmed species
Laboratory of Cell Technology
In vitro toxicology research
Αssessment of toxicity of pesticides and mycotoxins
Ιdentification of natural bioactive compounds with pharmacological potential
Molecular Biology Laboratory
Marine microorganisms systems biology
Development of high added value products form marine organisms including microalgae and marine bacteriophages
Catholic University of Valencia
Institute of Environment and Marine Sciences Research (IMEDMAR-UCV)
Marine Biology and Marine Biotechnology
Coastal and Environmental Geomorphology
Aquatic Resources
Chemical and Coastal Marine Oceanography
Marine Geology and Physical Oceanography
Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Social Sciences
Law Sciences
Political Sciences
Economy and Enterprise
Educational Sciences, Experimental/Social/Basic Psychology, Philosophy
Social and Cultural Anthropology, History
Bibliometry, Philology, Literature, Linguistics
Visual and Scenic Arts,
Ethic, BioLaw, Bioethics
Klaipeda University
Coastal Environment and Biogeochemistry Laboratory
- Observational and experimental research from the gene to the ecosystem level in both aquatic and terrestrial environments.
- Analysis of nutrient cycling in inland and coastal waters
- Analysis of genetic diversity, population genetic structure
- Microscopic analysis of bacteria, zoo- and phytoplankton, zoobenthos
Fishery and Aquaculture Laboratory
- Fish ecology and functioning of aquatic ecosystems
- Applied research in fishery and aquaculture
- Assessment, modelling and management of fish stocks
- Genetic research in fishery and aquaculture
- National Fisheries Data Collection Programme and other monitoring activities
- Management of recreational fishery and its impact on fish stocks
- Assessment, mapping and modelling of aquatic ecosystem services
Waterborne Transport and Air Pollution Laboratory
- Research and improvement of waterborne transport efficiency and ecological parameters.
- Analysis of complete spectre of topics including fuels, engine and hull design and environmental performance.
- Various types of liquid and solid fuels
- Fuel mixtures
Mechanical and Marine Engineering Laboratory
- Testing of static and dynamic mechanical properties of materials and structures
- Diagnostics and monitoring of rotating machinery, dynamic rotor balancing and thermovision
- Digital image recognition technology
Multi-purpose research vessel R/V MINTIS
Institute of Baltic Region History and Archeaeology
Pre-Historic and Historic Cultural and Social Landscapes of the Eastern Baltic Region
Social and Cultural Change in the Eastern Baltic Region in the Mediaeval and Modern Periods
University of Zadar
The Centre for Interdisciplinary Marine and Maritime Research (CIMMAR)
Aquaculture production
Environmental and economic sustainability
Technical maintenance
Capacity to adapt to natural, economic and societal changes
Integrated multitrophic aquaculture (IMTA)
Geospatial analysis laboratory (GAL)
Centre for educational sciences
Centre for onomastic
Centre for research of karst and coastal areas.
General Hospital Zadar (including hospital labs) (Cooperation Agreement with UNIZD)
Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest
Seismic Risk Assessment Research Center -Seismic response and fragility/vulnerability of structures
Seismic monitoring and seismic hazard analysis; Seismic response of the ground;
Analysis of seismic risk and resilience; Assessing building safety at natural hazard (earthquake, wind, snow).
Groung water Engineering Research Center
Underground water resources, groundwater studies in urban environments
Space Geodesy, Photogrametry, Remote Sensing and GIS:
Applying GNSS systems in studies of crustal movements (geodynamics)
Monitoring of geomorphologic and climatic changes, pollution expansion
Developing risk maps for natural or man-made disasters