Welcome to the 5th edition of The EU-CONEXUS School Contest “Think Smart, Create Green”
For the 5th time, all the pupils and teachers across the EU-CONEXUS Alliance are invited to enrol in the School Contest and contribute to a more sustainable future for the people and the planet!
Since the first edition, the School Contest has ultimately grown into a platform for environmental awareness and change, inspiring the pupils of today and young leaders of tomorrow. Every year, it seeks to raise awareness about SmUCS-related topics and careers, develop SmUCS skills in pupils and students through challenge-based approaches, and promote open science and open education for all.
For this year’s edition, there are two target groups:
- Pupils aged 12-14 (born 2010 – 2012)
- Pupils aged 14-17 (born in 2007- 2010)
Pupils who will have reached the age of 14 at the time of team registration may choose to enter either one of the two categories.
Category 1: pupils aged 12-14
All teachers must register their pupils first, prior to completing the following steps.
PHASE 1 – Creation (3 steps)
Step 1: After watching a video on sustainability, each team of pupils must answer an online Quiz (estimated duration: 3 minutes).
Step 2: Each team must collect recycled items and make any new object. Created objects can be creative, innovative or impactful.
Step 3: Each team will submit a presentation (10 slides including at least 5 photos, a short description of the new object, evidence of creativity, innovation or impact, and reasoning for the relevance of the object to smart urban coastal sustainability topics).
PHASE 2 – National Final
Up to five teams from each country will proceed to their National Final. Teams will be given 10 minutes to deliver the presentation made during Phase 1 Step 3 to their national jury.
PHASE 3 – International EU-CONEXUS Final
The winning team from each country will proceed to the International Final and make a presentation to the international jury.
This phase will feature one National Winner from each age category.
Category 2: pupils aged 14-17
All teachers must register their pupils first, prior to completing the following steps.
PHASE 1 – Creation (4 steps)
Step 1: After watching a video on sustainability, each team of pupils must answer an online Quiz (estimated duration: 3 minutes).
Step 2: Each team shall identify a sustainability issue in their community, propose an innovative solution with relevance to smart urban coastal sustainability topics, describe its impact in their community, detail an implementation plan, and create a strategy to promote their solution. All of these aspects shall be covered in a 5-page written report, following a template.
Step 3: The teams will design a presentation of up to 10 slides, documenting all the elements mentioned above (a template will be provided).
Step 4: The teams will record a 1-minute TikTok style video, which highlights the positive impact of their solution.
PHASE 2 – National Final
Up to 5 teams from each country will proceed to their National Final. Teams will be given 10 minutes to deliver the presentation made during Phase 1 Step 2 to their national jury.
PHASE 3 – International EU-CONEXUS Final
The winning team from each country will proceed to the International Final and make a presentation to the international jury.
This phase will feature one National Winner from each age category.

Prospective participants shall carefully review the Rules and Regulations of the Contest and take note of the following deadlines:
— Registration: 29th November (Friday) 2024, 5 PM CET Paris Time
— Submission of deliverables: 31st January (Friday) 2025, 5 PM CET Paris Time
— Announcement of the teams for each National Final: 28th February 2025
— National Finals: March 2025 (dates to be announced). Physical attendance required, unless decided otherwise by the host university.
— EU-CONEXUS International Final: 10th April 2025, online.