
2022-Jan 07 - 2022-Jan 09

Hackathon ‘Decode the Ocean‘

The Hackathon “Decode the Ocean” is an exciting event funded by the European Union and supported by Horizon EU that is planned to celebrate on February 7th, 8th & 9th, 2022 to engage users in testing Blue-Cloud’s Open Science services in the marine domain, inviting participants to come forward with innovative ideas for Ocean applications that could be developed making use of them.

All related information and additional details can be found directly on the Blue-Cloud Hackathon website:

Good to know:

  1. Young marine scientists and researchers are one of the key target audiences of the hackathon, which has an attractive prize pool.
  2. Full agenda can be found here: Blue-Cloud Hackathon – Agenda Ideation Warm Up
  3. Terms and conditions: Blue-Cloud Hackathon – e the Ocean

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