Blue Limassol Forum 2022

Frederick University and the municipality of Cyprus’ second largest city and maritime hub, Limassol, are jointly organising the 2nd Blue Limassol Forum, a highly anticipated event which will take place on March 30th in hybrid format.
The Forum, titled “A realistic transition towards sustainability in coastal cities”, will bring together key local and regional stakeholders and the general public to discuss issues related to blue economy and the challenges that coastal areas are facing today, thus contributing to the Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability discussion and providing suggestions on achieving the sustainable development of coastal areas.
During the event, Frederick University researchers will share and discuss the findings of the first environmental risk assessment study to examine holistically all the activities that may pose risks to the coastal, marine and maritime environment of Limassol, arising from the operation of ports and ships, oil and gas, marinas and yachts, water sports, fish farming and fishing, construction and hotels and the sewerage and municipal waste management systems. More than 30 scientists from Frederick University, researchers from other institutions in Cyprus and abroad and 110 stakeholders (government authorities, organizations and companies), worked on the scientific documentation of the study, making it so far the largest-scale study of its kind. The assessment demonstrates the need to protect Limassol’s coastal, marine and maritime environment and suggests the implementation of best practices to reduce the risks that threaten the city’s environment and preserve its coastal front’s attractiveness and sustainability.
Additionally, renowned experts from the Netherlands and Israel will share current initiatives and best practices from their countries in the effort to achieve the transition towards a sustainable blue economy. Professor Rachelle Alterman, Head of the Lab on Comparative Planning Law and Land Policy, at the Neaman Institute for National Policy Research, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, will present best practices on bridging the legal-institutional gap in Mediterranean coastline management, whereas Professor Carola Hein, Head of the History of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands, will present the energy transition in the case of Rotterdam.
The event will take place in English.