Klaipeda University scientists to act as guest editors for JMSE Special Issue (Invitation for manuscript submissions)

Klaipeda University prof. habil. dr Sergejus Lebedevas from the Department of Marine Engineering at the Faculty of Marine Technology and Natural Sciences and dr. Paulius Rapalis from the Marine Research Institute were invited to act as guest editors for JMSE | Special Issue : “Advanced Technologies of Ship Power Plants and Infrastructure of Seaports”
The issue itself, as well as tasks aimed at decarbonizing the maritime sector, are inseparably linked to the global strategic goals of achieving climate neutrality, becoming the foundation for advancement of smart ships and the development of maritime port infrastructure technologies.
The Special Issue will serve as a broad presentation of the results of scientific research, design- technological and regulatory decisions related to:
- Decarbonization of shipping and maritime ports;
- Energy efficiency indices;
- Advanced technologies;
- Alternative fuels;
- Innovative ship propulsion;
- Parametric optimization;
- SMART technologies for maritime ports.
This special issue is open for manuscript submission until 25 April, 2024.
More information available at: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/jmse/special_issues/1S7IG98Z3R