2023 Jun/16

Research for Society News

Training course “Quality assessment” held at KU

From 13 to 15 June 2023, within the framework of the project EU-CONEXUS Research for Society (RFS) an online training course entitled “Quality assessment” was organized by Klaipeda University.  A team of 17 researchers out of the six partner universities have assembled for attending the fifth session upon project quality management, quality management plan assurance, risk assessment and mitigation, psychology of working groups.

Throughout the meetings, participants gain knowledge on how the assessment of the project is conducted, the relevance of quality assessment in their activities. During a group work, appropriate quality assessment plan based on provided project examples was discussed, monitoring plan was presented, potential risk sources of the project were identified and reduction measures were proposed.

Training was conducted by Vilma Ferrari. Lecture is master of informatics, environmental engineering and education management, with over 20 years of experience in international education project management – preparation, implementation, consulting; over 15 years of project external evaluator experience.

The EU-CONEXUS RFS supports and strengthens interdisciplinary research collaboration amongst the Universities of the alliance, in order to create a multidisciplinary and a globally competitive research and innovation structure, based on researchers having a completely open mind as to the new and innovative cooperations with industry and society.

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