UCV is building prototypes of respirator simulator for COVID-19 patients
The Virtual Hospital (Advanced Center for Clinical Simulation), of La Universidad Católica de Valencia (UCV) is being a reference in tests by researchers, universities and companies to measure the suitability of prototypes of mechanical respirators for patients affected by COVID19.
The UCV team, led by Constantino Tormo and Vicente Prats, simulation technician and clinician, is collaborating with engineers, doctors, anesthetists, intensivists and simulation technicians ‘The patient’s lung simulator assesses the suitability of mechanical respirators that are being manufactured in a very short time, and it enables the capabilities of the prototypes and their responses to be understood at a wide range of respiratory rates and lung volumes.”
Likewise, the UCV Virtual Hospital has made a temporary and indefinite assignment of three lungs ventilators to a local Hospital of Manises. These are two high-end respirators to perform mechanical ventilation in the most critically ill patients admitted to ICUs (Intensive Care Units). Likewise, the Virtual Hospital has delivered a transport respirator, essential to carry out transfers within the hospital without disconnecting the patient from invasive mechanical ventilation.