Online, SEA-UE Social media

2022-Jun 22

SEA-EU Round table: EU-CONEXUS to talk about the choice of your partners when building an alliance

Antoine Doucet, Vice President of EU-CONEXUS for La Rochelle Université, will participate in the SEA-EU round table: “Different types of alliances to respond to the same objective” on the 22nd of June, 12:30am-1:30pm (CET).

The purpose of this round table is to understand how European universities alliances built themselves, how the choice of partners and the focus of the different alliances came about in each of them. How they’ve created and developed themselves in such different ways but always envisioning the same European goal: transforming the European Higher Education landscape.  

Generalists vs. specialists; geographical or thematic specialisation; university groups with or without previous collaboration experience… many types of European universities alliances were created after the call of the European Commission to renew the European higher education sector. So, to understand better what made the universities join one over another, some questions such as “Was the configuration of your alliance an element for selecting partners or is it an intrinsic part of your DNA? How do these activities affect the decisions you make and the activities you carry out? What advantages or disadvantages do you see in this configuration?…” will be put on the table and discuss during the event.

EU-CONEXUS will be sitting around this table next to four others European universities:

  • EUNICE, represented by Magdalena Sikorska.
  • YUFE, an alliance with a profile of young research-intensive universities, will be carried by Daniela Trani. 
  • FILM-EU: Ronan O Muirthile will talk about this alliance of Universities with a very specific thematic focus.
  • SEA-EU: Fidel Echevarría will introduce this generalist Universities with a specific profile (marine-maritime vocation).

The event will be livestreamed on SEA-EU social media.

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