UTCB to host the DigiSTEM International Conference: Innovating Education through Digital Transformation
On the 10th of October, the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest will be hosting the DigiSTEM International Conference: Innovating Education through Digital Transformation. The event will focus on an effective use of digital tools and resources in education from both pedagogical and technological perspectives, as well as concrete actions and examples of the usability of technology. The main objective of this event is to enhance HEI educators’ technological and pedagogical competencies on a large scale to achieve long-lasting effects in everyday activities of project partners and other European HEIs. Furthermore, it is expected to stimulate research and interaction between mathematicians and engineers in all aspects related to digital tools and educational resources from both pedagogical and technological perspectives.
During the event, the project partners will present the benefits and results of the project, showcasing their experiences in using the methodologies, platform, and guidelines. This element is expected to encourage more teaching and training professionals to use the results of the project in their education and curricula. During the conference, DigiSTEM will also aim to encourage more people to join the community.
The participants are invited to present their development in the field of STEM subjects. Furthermore, all the presentations will be collected into the project’s MOOC. All interested parties in the field of training and education of STEM subjects will be invited to participate and contribute to the conference. The event is open for all interested professionals.

- Digital literacy and skills development in education;
- Online and blended learning methodologies;
- Digital tools for assessment and feedback;
- Teacher professional development in digital pedagogy;
- Integration of digital tools in STEM education;
- Technology-enhanced pedagogy across disciplines;
- Gamification of STEM learning experiences;
- Mobile learning and its impact on STEM education;
- Future trends and challenges in innovating education through digital transformation;
- Open educational resources and open pedagogy.
The full list of speakers will be announced soon.
The agenda will be announced a few days before the conference.
Abstract Submission
Abstracts should be prepared in Word format, in line with the abstract sample template posted below (without changing the file format). The submitted files should be named Name_Surname_abstract.doc and contain a maximum of 20 lines written in English. Email address for abstract submissions: dmi@utcb.ro.
Estimated presentation time is 15 minutes (additional 5 minutes will be reserved for questions and discussions).
Papers Publication:
An electronic version of the Conference Proceedings Book with an ISBN number will be published by the Conspress Publishing House. The full texts should be prepared in Word format using the template file below. The papers must be written in English, named Name_Surname_paper.doc, and sent by email to the address: dmi@utcb.ro.
Extended versions of selected papers will be published in the Romanian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, following the current procedures described at https://www.rjm-cs.ro. The Romanian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science is indexed and abstracted in MathSciNet, zbMATH Open, DOAJ, Google Scholar, Sudoc, ASCI, EBSCO-Szczepanski’s List, and Wikidata.
Certificates of Participation:
Electronic Certificates of Participation will be sent to all participants via email after the conference.
Deadline for Registration:
Submission of abstracts (including an indication of the appropriate section from above): 09.09.2024.
Submission of papers: 23.09.2024
Participation is free of charge – there is no registration fee.
Letter of Acceptance and Invitation:
Please note that our acceptance letter does not constitute a commitment on the part of the ICIEDT 2024 Organising Committee regarding financial support for your attendance at this conference. All fees and expenses must be met by the participants and/or their organisations.
We do not provide any assistance relating to Visa, travel or accommodation other than this Letter of Acceptance for the Romania conference.
The ICIEDT 2024 Organising Committee hereby reiterates that we are NOT authorised to assist with any Visa application work.
A Letter of Acceptance is proof that your abstract/paper submission and registration application are accepted and that you are invited by the conference committee board. All will be stated in English and may help with your visa application. However, it does not guarantee that a visa will be granted.
Should your application be denied, the ICIEDT 2024 Organising Committee cannot change the decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, nor will we engage in discussion or correspondence with the MoFA or the Embassy on behalf of the applicant.
Please visit the Romania Immigration Department Website for more information and regulations regarding your visa application.
All the information will be updated on the official website. Please make sure you check it regularly.