2024 Jan/19

Welcome Day for EU-CONEXUS Joint Master Programme Students in Marine Biotechnology at La Rochelle University

On Monday, 15 January 2024, the teaching team at La Rochelle University extended a warm welcome to students enrolled in the Joint Master Programme in Marine Biotechnology.

The day started with a friendly breakfast and a welcoming speech from Jean-Marc Ogier, president of La Rochelle University and the EU-CONEXUS Alliance. Afterwards, students attended a comprehensive presentation about La Rochelle University led by Antoine Doucet, Vice-President of the European University. They also had the opportunity to learn about the LUDI Institute from a presentation given by its Research and Administration Director, Jean-Marc Wallet. Then, Stephanie Bordenave, teacher and director of EU-CONEXUS Master in Marine Biotechnology, provided a more in-depth look into this Master’s programme. Finally, the session concluded with an address by Mariane Graber, Deputy Director of International Relations.

Following the presentations, students visited the Maison de l’Étudiant, where they explored the associative and cultural offerings available to them and took a tour of the facilities. Afterwards, they visited the Maison de l’International and the University Library, where they learned about the different resources available to students and also took a tour of the premises. Following a joint lunch at the CROUS restaurant, the welcome day concluded with an informative and entertaining visit to the Aquarium La Rochelle, which is one of Europe’s largest private aquariums.

The Welcome Day agenda was thoughtfully created with the primary intention of giving new students a pragmatic introduction to university life and highlighting the resources and opportunities that are available to them in the Joint Master Programme in Marine Biotechnology at La Rochelle University.

Welcome aboard !

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