Open Call for 10 upcoming EU-CONEXUS PhD Courses

Our Doctoral and Postdoctoral Students may now enroll in one or more PhD Courses offered by EU-CONEXUS partner universities! These courses will provide the necessary tools and skills to support researchers’ career development, as well as broaden their expertise through transferable skills.
This call is an extension of an ongoing effort and a shared EU-CONEXUS mission to broaden academic opportunities for PhD and postdoctoral students – including those at our associated partners, Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University and University of Cape Coast (Ghana).
Here is the full list of PhD courses offered for the 2023-2024 academic year:
- Innovative Teaching Methods in Higher Education (La Rochelle Université, LRUniv)
- Introduction to Bioinformatics and Molecular Modelling using Modern Computational Methods (Agricultural University of Athens, AUA, Greece)
- Geographic Information Systems (Technical University of Civil Engineering, UTCB, Romania)
- Team building and Creativity Development (Klaipeda University, KU, Lithuania)
- Building my Career Project (Universidad Católica de Valencia, UCV, Spain)
- Data Management (University of Zadar, UNIZD, Croatia)
- Equality, Diversity & Inclusion for Transformative Research (South East Technological University, SETU)
- Modern Lab Documentation with Electronic Lab Notebooks (Rostock University, UROS, Germany)
- Introduction to Academic Writing and Presentation Skills (Rostock University, UROS, Germany)
- Collection and Analysis of Research Data (Frederick University, FredU, Cyprus)
Why should students take these courses?
This is a unique opportunity to:
- Access transversal and SmUCS-related courses in a stimulating and international environment;
- Acquire new skills and competences useful for PhD research and future career path;
- Interact with other PhD Students, internationally recognized experts and professors;
- Improve scientific and professional communication in an international language;
- Apply integrated concepts, data, techniques and tools required for gaining a complex perspective on various research fields related to SmUCS;
- Find out about the funded Co-tutelle PhD Programme available within EU-CONEXUS;
- Develop new research partnerships and find co-authors for project writing;
- Develop strong digital and technology skills that are becoming increasingly relevant in the job market;
- Participate in courses provided by different universities simultaneously;
- Increase the likelihood of successful enrollment in EU-CONEXUS PhD Summer Schools and other EU-CONEXUS funded opportunities for PhD Students.
What is the application process like?
EU-CONEXUS PhD Open Courses may be provided by the home university or by any other university within the alliance. Prior to registration, students should consult the PhD Open Courses Catalogue to confirm the availability for attending one or more courses.
Registration period ends one month before the initial start of the course.
Register and view the timetable for each course here: will be updated here.
For additional information about the courses, view the course catalogue.