2023 Feb/10

The New Klaipeda University Hospital – a Significant Change in Lithuanian Medicine

On January 2nd, a significant change was made in the Lithuanian healthcare system with the consolidation of three hospitals in Klaipeda, resulting in the creation of the Klaipeda University Hospital. The hospital was established by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania and Klaipeda University and is considered one of the largest transformations in the restored independence period. The new Klaipeda University Hospital will have a unique focus on nursing, rehabilitation, and balneology, which are relevant aspects in the EU-CONEXUS theme.

A new center for scientific and medical advancement, offering the highest level of medical care (third level), is in the process of being established. The essence of this restructuring is to unify potential, clarify the direction of activities, efficiently allocate human and material resources, and integrate scientific knowledge and international expertise into the treatment and nursing processes. All of these efforts aim to provide more effective treatment, nursing, and rehabilitation services to the residents of the region.

The Klaipeda University community contributes its strengths, including its scientific potential and international outlook, to the consolidation.  The idea of unifying the scientific forces of Europe has been a topic of discussion within the European academic and scientific community for about a decade, with the aim of making European science more competitive with the US and China. French President Emmanuel Macron’s proposal for creating European university alliances has come to fruition, and in 2019, Klaipeda University became an EU-CONEXUS partner. Acknowledging that human health is not just limited to medical care, but also encompasses the balance of animal and environmental health, which is crucial for overall human well-being, the university has chosen a path of sustainability. The partnership offers unique strengths, including strong medical science centers and experience in managing university hospitals, providing more opportunities for interdisciplinary research.

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