EU-CONEXUS Research Council meeting in Brussels
On 31 January–1 February EU-CONEXUS Research Council held a meeting in Brussels to review and discuss major achievements of different academic groups working in various work packages of the Alliance initiative Research for Society (RFS), funded by Horizon 2020 programme.
As Research Council assured, an important step has been taken in inter-Alliance cooperation with SEA-EU European university (partner universities: University of Cadiz, University of Brest, University of Kiel, University of Gdansk, University of Malta and University of Split). This pilot co-operation agreement opens the gates and provides a framework for academic staff to share good practices and develop mutual learning system, to share research infrastructure and get involved into partners’ activities through key-contact points. On the side of EU-CONEXUS responsible people were set to implement four different activities: for Inter-alliance Cooperation – Isabella Baer Eiselt and Rasa Viederyte, for Research Agenda – Virginia Kolb and Ana De Luis Margarit, for Research Infrastructure – Elen Miliou and for Dissemination – Inga Petrauskiene and Rasa Krole.
EU-CONEXUS also adopted Alliance wide ethical standards for research integrity (prepared an EU-CONEXUS Research and Innovation code of conduct regarding research integrity), following the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (2017). In spite of Alliance partners are on different stages of principles transfer into their academic life, the joint document is an important guidance to be addressed both, at the level of individual researcher and partner institution. Research Council also agreed on layout of the first Alliance Research Workshop which will be held in Athens, May 2022. This workshop is primarily planned as a platform to find out key networking areas among researchers within the thematic fields of the Alliance Joint Research Institute.