Poetry Contest on a “Sense of Place”


In this Poetry Contest, we invited EU-CONEXUS students and staff to express in their own way what a sense of place* meant to them. 

84 beautiful poems were submitted in which the authors shared the emotional connection or bond they had to a specific place, area or location and what made them so special and unique.

*“Sense of Place” refers to the emotional attachment and meaning people associate with a particular location, shaped by personal experiences and cultural significance.

  1. Poem (untitled) by Daria Luciana Ciontu, student from Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania
  2. One with heart by Eleni Ntzoumani, student from Agricultural University of Athens, Greece
  3. Là où mon âme se souvient / Where my soul remembers by Noélie Marchisio, student from La Rochelle Université, France
  • Get back to myself by Maira Baldiviezo from Catholic University of Valencia, Spain
  • Nuogas portretas / Nude portrait by Klaudija Audickaité from Klaipeda University, Lithuania
  • Poem (untitled) by Antea Babic from University of Zadar, Croatia
  • The Dunes by Ellen Harrison from South East Technological University, Ireland
  • A place to belong by Hamza Masri from University of Rostock, Germany ex aequo with
  • Poem (untitled) by Simon Schmidt from University of Rostock, Germany